Feb 7, 2009

The Water is Gone

During the onset of the rainy days last year, we had to stop the excavation in our dig. This is the usual practice for all TH operations in the Philippines.

Our case was even more imperative to stop since we were using gasoline-driven generator to run our 2-HP submersible pump. The cost of the gas alone of P1000 a day in addition to other operational expenses was a considerable factor in stopping the seasonal TH operation.

Before we resumed this year's operation, we have arranged for a thicker cable. Now, the 5KW AVR to stabilize voltage and current supply for our pump was working well.

Since our site is approx. 400m away from the nearest electrical post, the laying of electrical cable had cost us another P10,000. But then, this is a bargain compared to the cost of gasoline fuel for the generator. Added to the fact that the Honda wgenerator was only loaned to me by a Chinese friend free of charge. And last year, I had to return to him the generator since he was using it as stand-by unit in his house during power outages from the local electric power company.

So after the prepartory works, we have started the pumping of water from our dig. and to our great relief, the level of the water in the pit had substantially decreased. The usual pumping out operation that used to run for five (5) hours took us only two (2) hours this time.

This is a very considerable plus to our operation since last year when we have to run the pump at 5:00 AM and be able to start the work inside the pit at 10:00 AM only. with the lowered water level, we could set the dewatering at 5:00AM and start the work at 7:00AM.

There were still other surprising revelation under our pit which I shall describe on my next blog entry.


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